Leica: storefront model
For its 100th year celebration of The Leica camera series, a 3D window display model was designed for their retail product.
The window display mimics how the aperture mechanism functions inside a camera.
The design intent is for shoppers to interact by viewing a carousel of photographs projected inside. A person is able to see their own by tagging and adding the hashtag Leica.
As the day progresses, the panels will open and close, based on the light reflected. Similar to the function of the aperture iris on a camera.
This action will allow the right amount of light to view with clarity the projected photographs. In return, curiosity and play will equal to consumer engagement.
Inspired by the Leica M6—a 35mm film camera—produced in Germany in 1984.
A scale model was designed and builded to determine depth, measures, and proportions.
Sketch & 3D scale model